Firts Time Pregnant Picture I Am 15 Days Pregnant. I Slight Acheing And Have Litle Bloοd. Am Ι Going To Miscarriage?

I am 15 days pregnant. I slight acheing and have litle bloοd. Am Ι going to miscarriage? - firts time pregnant picture

(Period of flirtation after a month of pregnancy, miscarriage i)


Anonymous said...

You should call your doctor and schedule an appointment. I think that would'nt play at this point. It could me nothing, but better safe then sorry. Good luck in your prayers. I hope this helped

Anonymous said...

You go to your doctor! But 15 days is a little early to say weather or not your pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

How do you know that you have 15 days? Pregnant in 15 days, no one knows is pregnant. A positive result is not yet ripe.

Kohl: If this had happened, IVF, we do not know the exact date of conception. Pregnant 15 days corresponds 2w1d pregnant. A positive result rather than a test until at least 3 weeks, which is due in the same week your period.

15 days pregnant is a week before your period should begin. It is probably his first term, when there is bleeding and very mild symptoms, and it is possible to use a cycle when only a month ago failed.

Anonymous said...

Well, actually, everyone else is, you know 15 days All I can recommend is to elevate your feet and work rest HOPEFULLY things for you.
But you have said befor failed to know what to expect

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