Fee 50mm Headshot Sitting Fee?

Headshot sitting fee? - fee 50mm

A family know has asked me to do college applications headshots of her daughter. He offered to pay me, and I'm sure you're wondering how. Advanced amateurs'm not a professional, I would say. I have a digital SLR camera with lighting, and I would shoot or edit with a 50mm lens, making images first to a minimum.


fhotoace said...

Since his lively hood does not depend on your skills as a photographer, I think $ 50 to $ 100 for the session and then invite them for each photo that you are buying.

cubfan74... said...

The problem is that the average person does not know how photography can be expensive. Most of the price you quote - is, despite a significant discount on a professional, it sounds very high.

If they are good friends, I am inclined to say something like "I think it's worth it."

♡pUpPy♡ said...

Because this is not a "professional" for about $ 20 per shot.
To support the editing of images $ 5.00 minimum additional tasks as photo retouching.
- ♡ ♡ Puppies

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