Honey Processing Plant Why Do People Claim That Honey Can Cure Or Combat Hayfever?

Why do people claim that honey can cure or combat hayfever? - honey processing plant

Honey, pollen, flowers, right? And hay fever is caused by pollen from plants not to bloom. How much honey can help in any way?

Although hay fever is caused by pollen from flowering plants, how to avoid processed pollen pollen in the air to promote the production of antibodies in the body? Eating nuts not to keep their mother's allergies at bay. Rub the skin of animals / film, does not help your allergies.



Anonymous said...

not only of their claims. Work.

Anonymous said...

Pollen is processed, not what the pure local honey and pollen to eat, your body reacts naturally with the development of immunity. Local honey is not processed. Obtain from the top and fresh and clean for your health.
Why say, but hay fever is caused by pollen from flowering plants? It is caused by pollen. Perhaps you need to research or try to believe what they say knowledgeable people.

Anonymous said...

is locally produced honey, pollen from plants that grow around the person she is allergic. It works the same way as allergies by introducing an allergy to pollen in your body, develops your body with a crazier allergens

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