Exfoliating Face Cream Can I Use Dove Brand Gentle Exfoliating Bar (1/4 Moisturizing Cream) On My Face?

Can I use Dove brand gentle exfoliating bar (1/4 moisturizing cream) on my face? - exfoliating face cream

I was torn in my chest / better / shoulder, before I started with that moment, I have acne on parts

However, I have acne on the face, which is very difficult to control

I have many things and I thought, maybe try to use it in my face, because the results I had in my body

I do not know if you are too hard, or when the good to follow even with a moisturizer afterwards.

Court tiny scrub **


bn said...

the skin of his face is different, more sensitive and delicate.
We recommend the use of a particular product for the face, try a dove, one works well because it is dry in his body, but their use of soap at first glance might
There are many products for acne on the face

Tweek said...

You can try it.
Have you tried proactive in your acne? I have a few on television infomercials. He could walk.

Sindu said...

Our facial skin is very sensitive and not as the skin on other parts of our body. I am not asking you to use soap to scrub () applies to all brand names. Only share with you, I suffered from severe acne for 10 years until last year. The solution? First, I visited a dermatologist and the acne is the hormones in the body are related. If you experience random acne from time to time, is the result of your body to cope with stress and balance of food intake. But if you follow pop-out to come here and it is 25 days per month, while the hormonal problems they face. They put me on antibiotics and hormone pills for 6 months. And from the 2nd Week of treatment, people around me began to see visible results. The past year I have my medication anymore, and luckily I had only an average of 1 break in a month. And, more importantly, my skin is as clear as a baby's now! The products on the market, not in a position to help you, your permananently eruptions. Most of what it does is reduce, bUT does not stop poping out. So, why are you wasting time and effort for something that is not permanent? After my treatment, I kept my skin in the face with a really good sunscreen. I avoid with a moisturizer as my skin is very oily. In addition to the treatment, we must continue to have a very healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and take at least 8 glasses of water per day. He also has laser treatment of certain return to the surface of the skin (as it had deep scars that have resulted from acne that appears) 100 times in the same spot on the skin on my face. If you face acne all over my body, I am sure you must consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. Depends not only shlef products. I agree that my experience and I want to help people with acne problem Kow, how it can kill you. Good luck and best wishes for you!

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